Sometimes an order may not go through because your credit card is declined. Only your credit card issuer or financial institution can confirm the specific reason for a declined credit card.
If you have contacted your credit card issuer or financial institution and they state there is not a problem, we can only suggest that you contact the billing processor for additional information.
If your credit card information is saved and you wish to try a different credit card you will need to turn off the 1-Click Checkout option in your Cam4 account so you can enter your new card details.
- Log into your CAM4 account if not logged in already
- Click on your circular profile avatar located at the top right of the page
- Select My Account within the drop-down menu
- Select the upper middle tab labeled Account Settings
- Click the Payments & Subscriptions button
- Turn the switch next to Enable 1-Click Checkouts for Easier Purchases to the off position
If you wish to keep your card information on file, simply toggle the switch beside Enable 1-Click Checkouts for Easier Purchases to the on position and it will store your new card details.